Bible Study

Bible Study on Wednesdays at 11:00 a.m. is currently held via Zoom. Please contact us for information about joining the study.

Lectionary Bible Study

Each week, we have several Bible studies going on. Our primary study is our Lectionary Bible Study which takes place on Wednesdays from 11 to 12 p.m. in the Heritage Room (end classroom by the playground). At this study, we dig into the scriptures that will be preached on the following Sunday so we can more completely understand both their meaning and their application.

Come join us!

Exterior view of door labeled Heritage Room at Good Samaritan Church, San Jose CA
Multiple Bibles open on a wooden table for Bible study


The lectionary is a pre-selected collection of scriptural readings from the Bible that our church uses for studying in a systematic and balanced way. We use weekly guides in the Bible study to facilitate discussion in a small group.